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One – Saw Mill Infeed

Saw mill infeed logoOne – Saw mill Infeed

The App is an infeed to the Saw Mill, which helps to scan the logs in the correct sequence. This creates a list of scanned logs for the user in the flitching terminal to know the next 5 in a queue. For this app to work you will need a TIMBERplus system, Wi-Fi connection, on premises server and a license.



  • Can be used on more than one infeed line
  • There is a re-scanning option if something goes out of sequence
  • Creates a list of scanned logs for the user
  • If you logout because there is a shift change, the next shift can still see the details from the previous shift
  • Wide range of devices to use this with



  • Free to download for IOS and Windows
  • Cost effective
  • There are flexible training options with this App
  • Easy to use and install
  • Profitable and accessible
  • 1.8.5 New Setting search by Log number only
  • 1.9.4 Added to blocking procedure logs with flitches cannot be scanned


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